Goldstone Radar Observations Planning: 2023 DZ2


2023 DZ2
2023 DZ2 was discovered on February 27, 2023 at the Isaac Newton Telescope
at Observatorio de Roque de los Muchachos on La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain.  

This asteroid has an absolute magnitude of 24.1, suggesting a diameter in the realm of 
50 meters.  P. Pravec, T. Lister, et al. report a rotation period of 0.105 h 
from photometry obtained on March 21-22, with a lightcurve amplitude of 0.57 mag
that probably indicates an elongated shape.  C. Thomas and V. Reddy reported spectroscopy
obtained with NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility that indicate an X spectral
class (E or M; P is ruled out by lack of thermal excess).  This excludes the SQ and V classes.

2023 DZ2 will approach within 0.00117 au (0.45 lunar distances) on March 25.
This will be the largest asteroid to approach this closely since 2019.

This asteroid will also closely approach Earth in 2026.  Shortly after its 
discovery was announced, the probability of impact in 2026 reached 
0.2%, but subsequently new astrometry caused the probability to plummet 
by many orders of magnitude so that it is now vanishingly small. 

This asteroid will be a very strong radar target at Goldstone with signal-to-noise
ratios suitable for detailed delay-Doppler imaaging.   Time is scheduled on March 25
shortly before the close appraoch and on March 27 when the asteroid will be moving away.
Because of the very short round-trip light travel times,
most of the observations on March 25 will be bistatic with transmission at DSS-14
and reception at DSS-13.  

Radar observations are also scheduled in Australia using 34 m DSN antennas
to transmit and the Australia Telescope Compact Array.  Other antennas in Australia
and Japan may also receive transmissions from Canberra and Goldstone.

Due to the rapid rotation period and elongated shape, we are expecting echo bandwidths 
of ~50 Hz that vary substantially as the asteroid rotates.

2023 DZ2 is also the target of a coordinated observing campaign under the auspices
of the International Asteroid Warning Newtwork (IAWN).  The asteroid will be at 
favorable visual magnitudes and solar elongations for photometry and vis-IR
spectroscopy for a few days prior to the flyby.  After the flyby, the asteroid will be 
only ~75 deg from the Sun and more challenging to observe at optical wavelengths.

The asteroid will reach about 10th magnitude for a few hours around
closest approach, when it should be visible in small telescopes for experienced observers.

Orbital and Physical Characteristics  
Name                     2023 DZ2
Number                   Not numbered
Discoverer               Isaac Newton Telescope, La Palma, Canary Islands
Discovery date           2023 Feb 27
Orbit type               Apollo               
Close approach distance  0.00117 au             
Close approach date      2023 Mar 25 19:51 UT
semimajor axis           2.157 au
eccentricity             0.539               
inclination              0.081 deg             
Orbital period           3.17 y               
perihelion distance      0.994 au             
aphelion distance        3.320 au
MOID                     7.7E-5 au
These elements correspond to the orbit prior to the 2023 flyby.  There will
be modest changes after the March 25 close approach that will reduce
the semimajor axis and orbital period.
absolute magnitude (H)   24.1
diameter                ~0.05 km +- a factor of two
optical albedo           unknown             
rotation period          0.105 h (6.274 minutes)
lightcurve amplitude     0.57 mag
spectral class           X  (E or M)

Last update: 2023 March 28

Goldstone Radar Observations of Asteroid 2023 DZ2

Collage of echo power spectra obtained on March 25 using DSS-14 to transmit
and DSS-13 to receive.  Each panel shows ten seconds of data at 1 Hz resolution.

Animation of selected images obtained on March 25.  DSS-14 was used
to transmit and DSS-13 was used to receive.  Each frame is
an integration of 10 seconds that shows about 10 degrees of rotation.
Resolution is 3.75 m x 1.0 Hz.  

Several features are visible: at some orientations the shape looks somewhat triangular;
at others it looks rounded; there's a flat area, and a small-scale topographic feature that
appears on the leading edge.  Another small feature is visible along the trailing
edge in some frames.  This animation spans multiple rotations.
Tracking of various features confirms the 0.1 h rotation period. 

Images from March 25 at a resolution of 3.75 m x 1.0 Hz.  Time increases 
down and then to the right.  Transmissions were at 
DSS-14 and reception was at DSS-13.  Each panel is an integration of 10 seconds
that shows about 10 degrees of rotation.  The images show slightly more
than one rotation so that the last four panels are very similar to the first four.
These images were obtained between 09:44:12-09:51:02 UT.

Echo power spectrum obtained on March 27.  This shows a 
weighted sum of 59 runs at 1 Hz resolution.   The circular polarization
ratio is 0.46+-0.03 and the bandwidth is 20 Hz.  The data span 3.1 rotations.

Discovery M.P.E.C.

2023 DZ2

SNR Calculations

2023 DZ2
2023 DZ2 assumptions:  D = 0.05 km,  P = 0.105 h,  OC albedo = 0.1
JPL/Horizons solution 8

DOY       start date    window       RA, dec   dist   runs     SNR/day   SNR/run  DSS14>DSS13
79-80 2023 Mar 20-21  22:42-09:12   121, +20  0.020    938         35         1    SNR/RTT
80-81 2023 Mar 21-22  22:42-09:11   122, +20  0.016   1190         92         3
81-82 2023 Mar 22-23  22:44-09:13   123, +19  0.012   1627        320         9            Goldstone
82-83 2023 Mar 23-24  22:55-09:23   127, +18  0.007   2573       2100        45       9    Schedule
83-84 2023 Mar 24-25  23:39-10:24   141, +13  0.003   6151      81000      1100     180    0245-1025 Mar 25
85    2023 Mar 26     11:35-17:02   281, -24  0.004   2608      22200       450      75    
86    2023 Mar 27     12:09-17:50   293, -22  0.008   1284        940        28       5    1210-1350
87    2023 Mar 28     12:14-18:02   296, -21  0.012    853        170         6
88    2023 Mar 29     12:14-18:07   297, -21  0.017    639         51         2
89    2023 Mar 30     12:13-18:07   298, -21  0.021    511         20         1

Note the use of the actual period and a smaller diameter.  
Estimates of the absolute magnitude have shrunk from 23.5 to 24.1 since the discovery
was announced. 

Track Assignments

Goldstone tracks:
       UT       Transmit    UT          PDT                  Duration Round-trip Monostatic 
DOY    Date     Telescope   TX Window   TX Window            hh:mm    time (sec) SNR/RTT  
 83    Mar 24    DSS-35     1145-1455   0445-0755  Mar 24     3:10    5.9-5.4            rx with ATCA

 84    Mar 25    DSS-14     0245-1025   1945-0325  Mar 24-25  7:45    3.3-2.0      1100  DSS-14 & DSS-13 rx

 84    Mar 25    DSS-34     1140-1450   0440-0750  Mar 25     3:10    1.8-1.4            rx with ATCA et al.

 86    Mar 27    DSS-14     1210-1350   0510-0650  Mar 27     1:40    7.4-7.7        28  DSS-14 monostatic

SNRs during the track on March 25 will increase by a factor of about seven from start to 
finish as the RTT decreases.

Due to the rapid rotation, the Goldstone observations will cover nearly 75 rotations
by the asteroid.  Given that the rotation period is about 6 minutes, the asteroid
will rotate ~1 deg per second.  

Additional antennas may eavesdrop on DSS-43 and DSS-14 transmissions on March 25, 
possibly including:
Hitach 32 m in Japan
Ceduna 30 m in Tasmania
Hobart 12 m 
Katherine 12 m


2023 DZ2
JPL/Horizons solution 11, # obs: 413 (68 days)
2023 Mar 24
 Date__(UT)__HR:MN     R.A._(a-appar)_DEC.             delta  POS_3sigma   DOP_X_3sig  RT_delay_3sig
 2023-Mar-20 00:00 *   120.09101  19.92836  0.02528818366006       0.115        64.16       0.003655
 2023-Mar-21 00:00 *m  120.63286  19.77585  0.02097036641385       0.140        64.11       0.003021
 2023-Mar-22 00:00 *m  121.48709  19.53507  0.01665266916730       0.185        64.01       0.002390
 2023-Mar-23 00:00 *m  122.97119  19.10929  0.01233715839324       0.264        63.78       0.001769
 2023-Mar-24 00:00 *m  126.07136  18.17879  0.00803172937330       0.662        63.12       0.001170
 2023-Mar-25 00:00 *m  136.05516  14.78819  0.00378676437847       5.341        59.26       0.000649
 2023-Mar-26 00:00 *m  238.79680 -23.90032  0.00143778261484      64.764       128.87       0.000327
 2023-Mar-27 00:00 *m  287.52812 -22.81979  0.00530066085613       9.621        62.05       0.000959
 2023-Mar-28 00:00 *m  293.93477 -21.48352  0.00958233261742       7.250        63.05       0.001550
 2023-Mar-29 00:00 *m  296.34924 -20.90967  0.01389336297863       6.927        63.36       0.002167

Solution 11 at hourly intervals:
 Date__(UT)__HR:MN     R.A._(a-appar)_DEC.             delta  POS_3sigma   DOP_X_3sig  RT_delay_3sig
 2023-Mar-25 02:00 *m  137.78458  14.14117  0.00342906656895       6.755        58.25       0.000614
 2023-Mar-25 03:00 Am  138.73900  13.74882  0.00325378959918       7.629        57.64       0.000597
 2023-Mar-25 04:00  m  139.77576  13.29869  0.00308150855550       8.649        56.92       0.000581
 2023-Mar-25 05:00  m  140.91759  12.78044  0.00291258839509       9.847        56.10       0.000565
 2023-Mar-25 06:00     142.19243  12.18228  0.00274732000528      11.268        55.16       0.000549
 2023-Mar-25 07:00     143.63392  11.49064  0.00258593745958      12.966        54.10       0.000534
 2023-Mar-25 08:00     145.28202  10.68955  0.00242864967039      15.012        52.96       0.000519
 2023-Mar-25 09:00     147.18377   9.76002  0.00227568740127      17.494        51.83       0.000503
 2023-Mar-25 10:00     149.39420   8.67912  0.00212736633927      20.522        50.96       0.000488
 2023-Mar-25 11:00     151.97754   7.41910  0.00198416674133      24.229        50.86       0.000470

JPL/Horizons solution 10, # obs: 346 (68 days)
2023 Mar 23 
 Date__(UT)__HR:MN     R.A._(a-appar)_DEC.             delta  POS_3sigma   DOP_X_3sig  RT_delay_3sig
 2023-Mar-20 00:00 *   120.09101  19.92836  0.02528828716367       0.121        64.72       0.003718
 2023-Mar-21 00:00 *m  120.63286  19.77585  0.02097046666760       0.149        64.68       0.003107
 2023-Mar-22 00:00 *m  121.48709  19.53507  0.01665276618973       0.209        64.57       0.002515
 2023-Mar-23 00:00 *m  122.97118  19.10929  0.01233725220755       0.466        64.34       0.001958
 2023-Mar-24 00:00 *m  126.07132  18.17881  0.00803181993938       1.863        63.67       0.001476
 2023-Mar-25 00:00 *m  136.05487  14.78831  0.00378685019679      14.021        59.45       0.001145 *
 2023-Mar-26 00:00 *m  238.79341 -23.89978  0.00143774393038     150.517       282.71       0.000599
 2023-Mar-27 00:00 *m  287.52773 -22.81985  0.00530058433183      17.545        63.70       0.001424 *
 2023-Mar-28 00:00 *m  293.93459 -21.48355  0.00958225720749       9.692        63.79       0.001929
 2023-Mar-29 00:00 *m  296.34912 -20.90970  0.01389329035022       8.121        63.98       0.002490

Solution 10 uncertainties at DSS-14 at hourly intervals during the track on March 25:
 Date__(UT)__HR:MN     R.A._(a-appar)_DEC.             delta  POS_3sigma   DOP_X_3sig  RT_delay_3sig
 2023-Mar-25 02:00 *m  137.78422  14.14133  0.00342915160130      17.520        58.49       0.001124
 2023-Mar-25 03:00 Am  138.73860  13.74899  0.00325387417473      19.666        57.96       0.001114
 2023-Mar-25 04:00  m  139.77532  13.29888  0.00308159261497      22.157        57.43       0.001104
 2023-Mar-25 05:00  m  140.91710  12.78066  0.00291267186092      25.072        56.96       0.001093
 2023-Mar-25 06:00     142.19187  12.18254  0.00274740277531      28.516        56.68       0.001081
 2023-Mar-25 07:00     143.63328  11.49094  0.00258601939866      32.619        56.85       0.001068
 2023-Mar-25 08:00     145.28130  10.68990  0.00242873059932      37.549        57.92       0.001053
 2023-Mar-25 09:00     147.18293   9.76043  0.00227576708190      43.514        60.64       0.001036
 2023-Mar-25 10:00     149.39324   8.67960  0.00212744445465      50.770        66.19       0.001015
 2023-Mar-25 11:00     151.97641   7.41967  0.00198424286922      59.629        76.08       0.000989
Relative to solution 8, pointing uncertainties decreased by about a factor of three and 
time delay uncertainties dropped by more than a factor of two. 

JPL/Horizons solution 8, # obs: 246 (67 days)
2023 Mar 22
 Date__(UT)__HR:MN     R.A._(a-appar)_DEC.             delta  POS_3sigma   DOP_X_3sig  RT_delay_3sig
 2023-Mar-20 00:00 *   120.09101  19.92836  0.02528896637035       0.129        65.12       0.004566
 2023-Mar-21 00:00 *m  120.63286  19.77586  0.02097114351018       0.192        65.07       0.004064
 2023-Mar-22 00:00 *m  121.48706  19.53508  0.01665344073587       0.453        64.97       0.003610
 2023-Mar-23 00:00 *m  122.97108  19.10932  0.01233792447541       1.406        64.74       0.003224
 2023-Mar-24 00:00 *m  126.07095  18.17893  0.00803248919420       5.370        64.08       0.002932
 2023-Mar-25 00:00 *m  136.05248  14.78921  0.00378750291482      36.395        63.00       0.002710 *
 2023-Mar-26 00:00 *m  238.76702 -23.89597  0.00143742375395     362.934       663.51       0.001337
 2023-Mar-27 00:00 *m  287.52494 -22.82036  0.00529995238887      39.610        65.56       0.002751 *
 2023-Mar-28 00:00 *m  293.93336 -21.48383  0.00958161224990      18.737        64.16       0.003073
 2023-Mar-29 00:00 *m  296.34829 -20.90990  0.01389264457662      13.619        64.35       0.003450

Solution 8 uncertainties at hourly intervals during the track on March 25:
 Date__(UT)__HR:MN     R.A._(a-appar)_DEC.             delta  POS_3sigma   DOP_X_3sig  RT_delay_3sig
 2023-Mar-25 02:00 *m  137.78128  14.14246  0.00342979963483      45.124        64.00       0.002685
 2023-Mar-25 03:00 Am  138.73532  13.75027  0.00325451934001      50.458        65.12       0.002670
 2023-Mar-25 04:00  m  139.77166  13.30034  0.00308223442513      56.633        67.02       0.002654
 2023-Mar-25 05:00  m  140.91299  12.78233  0.00291330968056      63.845        70.16       0.002635
 2023-Mar-25 06:00     142.18724  12.18447  0.00274803576957      72.347        75.22       0.002614
 2023-Mar-25 07:00     143.62804  11.49318  0.00258664646627      82.459        83.17       0.002587
 2023-Mar-25 08:00     145.27533  10.69253  0.00242935028389      94.585        95.26       0.002556
 2023-Mar-25 09:00     147.17609   9.76352  0.00227637745383     109.231       113.10       0.002516
 2023-Mar-25 10:00     149.38535   8.68326  0.00212804295353     127.019       138.65       0.002467
 2023-Mar-25 11:00     151.96724   7.42403  0.00198482609478     148.692       174.36       0.002404

JPL/Horizons solution 6, # obs: 142 (65 days)
2023 Mar 20
 Date__(UT)__HR:MN     R.A._(a-appar)_DEC.             delta  POS_3sigma   DOP_X_3sig  RT_delay_3sig
 2023-Mar-20 00:00 *   120.09097  19.92837  0.02529190634219       0.933       148.89       0.023765
 2023-Mar-21 00:00 *m  120.63278  19.77589  0.02097388762468       2.003       148.69       0.022369
 2023-Mar-22 00:00 *m  121.48690  19.53514  0.01665598916590       4.606       148.37       0.020988
 2023-Mar-23 00:00 *m  122.97068  19.10947  0.01234027726779      11.825       148.11       0.019622
 2023-Mar-24 00:00 *m  126.06970  18.17937  0.00803464429063      38.132       151.16       0.018256
 2023-Mar-25 00:00 *m  136.04544  14.79192  0.00378942284335     228.050       252.95       0.016585 
 2023-Mar-26 00:00 *m  238.69616 -23.88548  0.00143658253902    2093.209      3738.18       0.007475 
 2023-Mar-27 00:00 *m  287.51752 -22.82165  0.00529845377567     222.429        76.83       0.013738
 2023-Mar-28 00:00 *m  293.92995 -21.48456  0.00958026801331     103.041       129.46       0.012888
 2023-Mar-29 00:00 *m  296.34588 -20.91045  0.01389148748109      72.504       140.75       0.011812
The impact probability in 2026 is now vanishingly small.

JPL/Horizons solution 5, # obs: 122 (64 days)
2023 Mar 19
 Date__(UT)__HR:MN     R.A._(a-appar)_DEC.             delta  POS_3sigma   DOP_X_3sig  RT_delay_3sig
 2023-Mar-20 00:00 *   120.09096  19.92838  0.02529264784448       1.344       206.02       0.033649
 2023-Mar-21 00:00 *m  120.63276  19.77589  0.02097458570436       2.884       205.75       0.031656
 2023-Mar-22 00:00 *m  121.48685  19.53516  0.01665664386552       6.597       205.30       0.029674
 2023-Mar-23 00:00 *m  122.97057  19.10950  0.01234088859011      16.821       204.99       0.027704 
 2023-Mar-24 00:00 *m  126.06937  18.17948  0.00803521165443      53.885       209.77       0.025722
 2023-Mar-25 00:00 *m  136.04354  14.79264  0.00378993601588     320.378       358.47       0.023296 
 2023-Mar-26 00:00 *m  238.67690 -23.88266  0.00143635240492    2929.233      5225.36       0.010439 
 2023-Mar-27 00:00 *m  287.51552 -22.82201  0.00529803574995     310.944        87.64       0.019082 
 2023-Mar-28 00:00 *m  293.92904 -21.48476  0.00957988222051     144.187       176.93       0.017733 
 2023-Mar-29 00:00 *m  296.34525 -20.91060  0.01389114277856     101.555       194.04       0.016027 
The impact probability has dropped to 1/70,000 and Torino Scale 0. 
JPL/Horizons solution 3, # obs: 56 (18 days)
2023 Mar 17
 Date__(UT)__HR:MN     R.A._(a-appar)_DEC.             delta  POS_3sigma   DOP_X_3sig  RT_delay_3sig
 2023-Mar-20 00:00 *   120.09177  19.92804  0.02525420021116       8.745      2555.67       0.152718
 2023-Mar-21 00:00 *m  120.63474  19.77515  0.02093192848862      21.139      2554.26       0.149360
 2023-Mar-22 00:00 *m  121.49169  19.53348  0.01660978248084      51.825      2550.68       0.150316
 2023-Mar-23 00:00 *m  122.98336  19.10526  0.01228984614360     137.769      2538.84       0.155448 
 2023-Mar-24 00:00 *m  126.11099  18.16559  0.00798012138304     454.281      2474.77       0.164008
 2023-Mar-25 00:00 *m  136.28801  14.69979  0.00373235906775    2785.259      1885.81       0.170984 
 2023-Mar-26 00:00 *m  241.07942 -24.21494  0.00147011701655   23439.645     42846.23       0.105538 
 2023-Mar-27 00:00 *m  287.74211 -22.78122  0.00536339329981    2257.896      3232.67       0.201204
 2023-Mar-28 00:00 *m  294.01667 -21.46547  0.00965066975446     896.613      2649.94       0.223261
 2023-Mar-29 00:00 *m  296.39766 -20.89826  0.01396636075925     556.160      2572.79       0.243681

JPL/horizons solution 1, # obs: 31 (2 days)
2023 Mar 16 (astrometry on Feb. 27-Mar 1)
 Date__(UT)__HR:MN     R.A._(a-appar)_DEC.             delta  POS_3sigma   DOP_X_3sig  RT_delay_3sig
 2023-Mar-20 00:00 *   120.06128  19.93013  0.02516127861333     731.114     42143.84       5.817124
 2023-Mar-21 00:00 *m  120.60275  19.77571  0.02077606601973     704.762     42117.45       5.628303
 2023-Mar-22 00:00 *m  121.46553  19.52938  0.01639094557659     614.419     42063.10       5.466335
 2023-Mar-23 00:00 *m  122.99057  19.08611  0.01200806429659    1986.852     41957.47       5.333534
 2023-Mar-24 00:00 *m  126.28561  18.08216  0.00763603746102   10055.487     41814.42       5.226306
 2023-Mar-25 00:00 *m  137.97824  13.99280  0.00333725901803   86503.886     69030.99       5.015046
 2023-Mar-26 00:00 *m  256.00990 -25.48727  0.00176480389584  460487.830    669634.02       3.554841
 2023-Mar-27 00:00 *m  289.41843 -22.48657  0.00587503310933   62998.471     46690.41       4.912815
 2023-Mar-28 00:00 *m  294.71930 -21.31479  0.01023383313956   31253.865     41698.04       5.033729
 2023-Mar-29 00:00 *m  296.83035 -20.79677  0.01461418131076   22223.589     41684.88       5.118139

Apparent Magnitudes, Solar Elongations, Lunar Elongations, and Lunar Illumination: 2023 DZ2 Solution 3 Date__(UT)__HR:MN R.A._(a-appar)_DEC. delta APmag S-brt S-O-T /r T-O-M/MN_Illu% 2023-Mar-16 00:00 119.14611 20.21934 0.04256189727503 18.926 n.a. 122.0645 /T 159.2/ 39.8845 2023-Mar-17 00:00 119.25780 20.18344 0.03824185774061 18.719 n.a. 121.1779 /T 171.8/ 28.9310 2023-Mar-18 00:00 119.42417 20.13382 0.03392149977244 18.483 n.a. 120.3448 /T 169.9/ 18.9225 2023-Mar-19 00:00 119.66622 20.06485 0.02960061942537 18.211 n.a. 119.5858 /T 156.5/ 10.5327 2023-Mar-20 00:00 120.01929 19.96687 0.02527909994264 17.888 n.a. 118.9354 /T 142.3/ 4.3627 2023-Mar-21 00:00 120.54779 19.82195 0.02095700498680 17.497 n.a. 118.4568 /T 128.2/ 0.8428 2023-Mar-22 00:00 121.38247 19.59271 0.01663485716506 17.003 n.a. 118.2788 /T 114.5/ 0.1564 2023-Mar-23 00:00 122.83543 19.18652 0.01231455497795 16.340 n.a. 118.7103 /T 101.7/ 2.2173 2023-Mar-24 00:00 125.87980 18.29597 0.00800349308020 15.348 n.a. 120.7249 /T 90.8/ 6.7115 2023-Mar-25 00:00 135.76765 15.01858 0.00374976863510 13.447 n.a. 129.7163 /T 87.3/ 13.1812 2023-Mar-26 00:00 240.94087 -23.88570 0.00142847237612 11.589 n.a. 121.4276 /L 176.0/ 21.1168 2023-Mar-27 00:00 288.00512 -22.64754 0.00532954080974 15.978 n.a. 79.4864 /L 145.7/ 30.0284 2023-Mar-28 00:00 294.17611 -21.38204 0.00961913283139 17.495 n.a. 74.6339 /L 152.0/ 39.4837 2023-Mar-29 00:00 296.50989 -20.83850 0.01393552591737 18.352 n.a. 73.3858 /L 161.5/ 49.1176 2023-Mar-30 00:00 297.74206 -20.53821 0.01825662101046 18.935 n.a. 73.1868 /L 171.1/ 58.6221 2023-Mar-31 00:00 298.51148 -20.34687 0.02257716362958 19.368 n.a. 73.4311 /L 172.9/ 67.7283


CW setup 
TX polarization           RCP
RCV polarization          LCP & RCP
Frequency hops:           no hopping
Bandwidth:               5000 Hz 
TXoffset                 +500 Hz
FFT                      1000 for 0.5 Hz resolution  

Possible Ranging setups:
baud             10 usec
code            127
PRP            1270 usec
ncoh              1 
bandwidth       787 Hz   
FFT              64
resolution       12.3 Hz
TXOFF          +100 Hz  
baud             11 usec
code            127
PRP            1397 usec
ncoh              1 
bandwidth       716 Hz   
FFT              64
resolution       11.2 Hz
TXOFF          +100 Hz  
baud            1 usec
code            255
ncoh             16
bandwidth       245 Hz   
FFT             512
resolution        0.48 Hz
TXOFF           +50 Hz 
baud            0.5 usec
code            255
ncoh             16
bandwidth       245 Hz
FFT             512
resolution        0.96 Hz
TXOFF           +50 Hz
1/8 usec
baud            0.125 usec
code            127 
ncoh            250
bandwidth       262 Hz
FFT             256
resolution        0.98 Hz
TXOFF           +50 Hz

Chirp setups from previous targets:

Chirp at 20 MHz, sample clock at 40 MHz, prp=25 us, offset = +15 Hz 
downsample     PRP         resolution       range bin count    FFT    ncoh   delta_f
4              25 usec     0.05 usec           500             500     720    0.111 Hz
Bandwidth = 80 Hz

Chirp at 40 MHz, sample clock at 80 MHz, prp=25 us, transmit offset +10 Hz (Echo in column 530)
downsample     PRP         resolution       range bin count    FFT    ncoh   delta_f
 4             25 usec     0.025 usec           1000          1000     120     0.333 Hz
Bandwidth = 333.3 Hz


NOTE: Data should be moved to the appropriate subdirectories in aardvark:/export/data0/2023dz2/raw/


  OSOD and predicts will be on aardvark:

...not available yet...

                                                          TX Offsets    
Date (UTC)   DOY  hhmmss    RA        Dec         Macro   LHA     Dec    RTT    OSOD

... to be added ...

Transmit offsets are given in millidegrees.  



============================================================================== Receive TX Setup hops dwell code ncoh FFT runs start -stop OSOD offset Poln Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dr. Lance A. M. Benner | PHONE: (818) 354-7412 Mail Stop 183-601 | FAX: (818) 393-4445 Jet Propulsion Laboratory | email: California Institute of Technology | Plan: To live long and prosper Pasadena, CA 91109-8099

Asteroid Radar Astronomy